Idea Please!


This is going to be quick.

I’ve been planning to write a short story for all of my viewers to see.  I will post 1 chapter every time!  Currently, I’m working on the character and the scenes!  However, I need YOUR help with names!

I need a MALE name that starts with the letter “C”

I need a FEMALE name that starts with the letter “J”

I need a MALE name that starts with “D”

Try to give me good names! 😀 (not crazy names like crackers)

Okay!  If i need more help, I’ll let you guys know!

5 Responses

  1. You could use your own name for J.

  2. Males name: Carl
    Female name: Jocelyn
    Male name: Daneil

  3. male name : catch
    male name: Dylan

  4. Congrats on getting 22,000 hits!

  5. whattabout
    male with c: clinton
    female with j: joelle
    male with d: devin

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